Maybe eating feels complicated, taking up so much time and effort planning, prepping, etc. for something that is supposed to nourish us, and sustain us; instead, it creates such problems in our lives, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Perhaps you’ve truly “tried everything”, or fear that working with a practitioner may mean that you’ll have to drastically change your diet, removing foods, buying expensive organic groceries, ultimately taking away time and effort you feel you don’t have.
That probably feels like the last thing you want, as every day feels exhausting with fatigue, brain fog, constipation, and unpredictability of other digestive symptoms like gas/bloating, despite you putting a lot of care and effort into your health.
If this is you, I feel you, I’ve BEEN you, and I would genuinely LOVE to help.
You want….
to live symptom-free
to “figure it out”
to live a life without fear around food + symptoms
to have flexibility + freedom around what you eat
to have more energy + improved mood
to get what you put in when it comes to looking after your own health
Let’s do it!
Here’s how…..
While it only makes sense to take certain foods out of the diet that contribute to symptoms, the longer we restrict, the longer we will experience symptoms, develop new ones, and worsen our relationship to food. A lot of the time, food is just the tip of the iceberg. What often gets ignored (and is the reason for prolonged symptoms or inaccurate diagnoses) is how our digestion is so intricately linked to the personal, emotional, and mental side of how we operate daily. The gut and brain are so intricately connected that we HAVE to address what is underneath in order to understand the root of the issue.
That’s why I always combine an evidence-based, holistic, and psychological approach to nutrition, using behavioural change techniques, so we can address so much MORE than just food, using:
in-depth assessment + follow-ups (with easy-to-follow protocols)
gut microbiome testing
& ultimately ensuring that you are heard, listened to, and validated in your experiences with food and health
I’m not overwhelming you with protocols that involve so many things to do at once, because it’s likely you won’t even know where to begin, what is/isn’t working, how to keep it up for more than a week, and end up “failing” and feeling full of guilt + shame.
Just…nope! I’m not taking away all the foods you love, or completely re-vamping your diet head-to-toe for you to be unhappy with food, cooking, and feel totally overwhelmed.
I’m not seeing you once and then leaving you to figure it out on your own!
here’s what I DON’T do
but instead......
Protocols should be easy to follow + accessible. We work in PHASES so we’re able to implement small changes and thus able to address what is working. Evidence-based behavioural change research shows that small changes are most effective for creating sustainable change. Sometimes it’s really difficult to work on our health, and so creating sustainable change that feels easy and accessible is important.
I’m not going to give you non-personalized advice, or the latest “trend” diet. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the world of social media, and the all-too-accessible “health advice”, and it can be so overwhelming, and contradictory. This is because this advice is not personalized. Often “trends” and things you see on social media take off without the foundation of research behind it.
I’m not just going to mask your symptoms, and ignore the root causes of WHY you are experiencing symptoms.
I found this was my biggest struggle with practitioners. It’s almost like you tell them what’s going on, and the wheels are just turning, rather than having them actually listening. You just end up feeling frustrated, disappointed, and sometimes just like “another number”.
I will never create any shame or guilt about the foods you eat, or want to eat. Shame + guilt around food (what, where, how we “should eat”) contribute to a poor relationship with food, and can lead to disordered eating patterns.
here’s also what I DON’T do
but instead......
I empower you with evidence-based education and personalized, holistic advice based on your specific biochemistry, health history (physical/mental), and day-to-day life. Nutrition and health are personal, and that is the approach you need when it comes to creating the right change for you.
I improve your symptoms + give you freedom with food because we go beyond masking symptoms by addressing root issues. By addressing so much more than food, we ensure you feel great physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I emphasize understanding YOU and your health journey. I ACTIVELY listen to you, try and understand you as a person, who you are, what your life is like, etc. Health is often vulnerable, and you need to be heard + validated in your experiences.
All foods have their place. We eat for SO many different reasons. Let’s celebrate food and the ways in which it supports + nourishes us. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and it sure as hell doesn’t have to be shameful.